Hi there, I finally got around to creating another podcast. I think I need to take some lessons in perseverance myself. I hope you enjoy this week's story of Richard MontaƱez, and his journey from poverty to success.
I spent today creating opt-in forms for each of my blogs. Mind you, other than this one on blogger, which is so easy to install, I have no idea what to do next. My other blogs are in Wordpress and have to be copied into the HTML code. For a non-techie like me, that is a big deal. Update: With the newer versions of Wordpress and the use of widgets with most themes, adding an opt-in form is now as easy as on a Blogger blog. I went to Aweber and created my form, copied the code that's produced and pasted it into my HTML widget. And I even sound like a techie, don't I? Until next time, Carol
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