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Introducing Granny Blogger

If you've ever felt that you were too old to learn Internet marketing, take heart from this story, written by an 85-year-old marketer (also known as my dear mother).

When I was a young girl attending public school in the 1930's, my city of Toronto, Canada had a population of less than one hundred thousand people. Now there are over 2.5 million people living here and of course it is still growing.

That population is not large compared to some cities in the far East such as Osaka, Japan, where my present day mentor and teacher Kevin Riley lives. Osaka has a population of over twelve million people.

During the years known as "The Great Depression", Toronto was a fairly safe city to grow up in and children played outside most warm evenings after school until the street lights came on. I always enjoyed school but the safe and pleasant after school activities back then were fun too.

My formal schooling had a temporary closure when I turned sixteen and had to work in a factory office in order to help out with finances at home. After the second world war broke out, when I was old enough to serve, I joined the Royal Canadian Air Force, Womens Division where my education resumed on a different level.

After the war, marriage and family kept me busy in other areas. However, education never really comes to an end when a person has a desire to learn. There are many opportunities to further ones education from night school classes to correspondence courses. When we bought our first computer my husband and I took a night school computer class and discovered that we both loved working with computers. Then I learned how to use spreadsheet and word processing programs to help us with our business.

Now in my retirement years I am attending classes on line and working from home at my own pace. In addition to this there are opportunities to promote the products of my teacher through advertising on my own websites.

It is very easy to promote affiliate products on the internet even if you do not have a website. However I really enjoy building websites for this purpose.

I hope this article will encourage readers to never stop learning. As my daughter always quotes on her websites, "you are never too old to learn".

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