I've decided to work my way through one of Kevin Riley's courses here for the sake of myself and everyone else. This particular course is called "How To Make a Bundle of Cash in Just 3 Days". I received it last year, so can't guarantee that he is still offering it. Still, if we do the steps together, we should make some progress. Your idea of bundle and mine may be different. My main goal is to learn the process. Kevin suggests finding affiliate products that offer 100% commission. He has a number of them that are used as lead generators. Do a Google search and you will probably find a number of possibilities. I like to purchase the products first to make sure I'm recommending something I won't be ashamed to be associated with. You want to select products that have a good sales page, including an attention grabbing headline, interesting content, cover image, bullets used, testimonials, a call to action that asks for the sale, and a guarantee. First ste...
Mrs C., alias TorontoCarol, alias SuperGramma, is an over-the-hill Internet Marketing wannabe. She can be found most evenings at her computer, trying to earn money on the Internet so her husband will stop thinking she is wasting her time. And she hopes she doesn't forget who she is in the process!