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Showing posts from January, 2020

One Day At a Time

A few weeks ago I turned 71 and now find myself much more reflective than ever before. Where has the time gone? Did I waste it or use it wisely? Do I even remember how I spent all those years that are now behind me? Prefer to read the rest of the content? Sometimes there’s regret for things I didn’t do when I had the chance or things I’ve done that I wish I hadn’t. But I can’t change the past and I don’t want to waste whatever time I have left daydreaming about the future and missing what I have right now. Part of my thinking is because I’ve been listening to a song called One Day At A Time. One of the lines says “yesterday's gone and tomorrow may never be mine.” The fact that today needs to be my focus has made me thankful for so many little things – a comfortable rocker and the ability to sit in it and relax, a warm home, freedom from the stress of having to get to a job or cope with a deadline. But no matter how pleasant my life may be, it’s not without anxiety. No one make...

Friends - an important part of nightlight

Homelessness and Nightlight