I mentioned in the last post that I was going to be involved in a mastermind group to help promote one another. So far we have met once on Skype and twice on a teleseminar. These are my observations so far: Our Skype meeting was a lot of fun, but didn't accomplish much. I don't use Skype often and the others did only for one on one text chats. When the first two members got on Skype, it was fine, we could see and hear one another well. As soon as someone else entered the call, the video capability was lost. Once four of us were on (member number five couldn't attend that day) it was hard to hear properly. There was a lot of phone interference and we kept getting dropped from having a group call. We finally gave up and called it a day. The next two sessions we've used a teleseminar service. I have a free trial for InstantTeleseminars so we used that. The advantage here over freeconferencecalling.com is that there were local phone numbers for the American members of our...
Mrs C., alias TorontoCarol, alias SuperGramma, is an over-the-hill Internet Marketing wannabe. She can be found most evenings at her computer, trying to earn money on the Internet so her husband will stop thinking she is wasting her time. And she hopes she doesn't forget who she is in the process!