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Showing posts from December, 2009

Information Products - Why Aren't You Creating Them?

I'm feeling a little excited right now. Well, maybe more than a little excited. You see, I've spent months working on an information product. I took Kevin Riley's course, and although he says it can be done in a matter of days, I wanted it to be perfect. So I kept adding to it and making it better. Finally I decided enough is enough, I just need to get the thing out there. I still wasn't sure how to do my own sales page or anything like that. I've finally written the sales letter, but uploading without losing the graphics is proving to be a bit of a challenge. Anyway, I uploaded it as a digital product to Lulu to sell. Then I decided to offer it as a physical soft cover book. I never could get the graphic right for the book, so opted for one of their covers. The result was "How To Create Newsletters Your Grandkids Will Treasure". The point is, I did it. And today it came in the mail! It's notebook size, 54 pages of nice thick, shiny paper and looks...

Teaching What You've Learned

I've found that one of the best ways to learn Internet Marketing, or any other topic, is by trying to teach it to someone else. You quickly realize how much more you know than you thought you did. And you get a better idea of what you aren't clear about and need to learn better. Community Centers are always on the lookout for new programs to offer their members. Why not approach them about teaching a one day workshop or an ongoing course? You may not be an expert yet, but you know much more than the majority of people do. Right now, I'm preparing content for a workshop I'm doing about