Hard to believe it's been almost two weeks since I attended the NAMS (Niche Affiliate Marketing System) workshop in Atlanta. I hadn't intended to go, since affiliate marketing isn't really my thing. Then I found out it was going to be a hands-on workshop involving a number of things to do with Internet Marketing. So at the last minute, I hopped on a bus and rode for 24 hours to get there. I know, a flight would have been so much better, but last minute was too expensive. I did fly home though. Anyway, Friday started slowly as we all got used to the routine and to one another. By Saturday morning I felt that it was worth the long bus trip just for what I'd done up to that point. The workshops and the networking were top notch. One of my favorite sessions was the group panel that created an info product on the spot. About 20 of us from Lynn Terry's Elite forum attended and spent many enjoyable hours on the patio together each evening. Lynn even had a special Elite...
Mrs C., alias TorontoCarol, alias SuperGramma, is an over-the-hill Internet Marketing wannabe. She can be found most evenings at her computer, trying to earn money on the Internet so her husband will stop thinking she is wasting her time. And she hopes she doesn't forget who she is in the process!