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Showing posts from May, 2009

Youtube and eBay Marketing Idea

I read about an artist in another country who wanted to make a living selling her paintings. So she came up with a very creative method of attracting interest. Every week, she creates a video showing her in the process of doing her painting. Then, on the same day each week, she uploads the video to Youtube - along with a link to the sale of that same painting on eBay. Since beginning this form of marketing, the artist has established a following who eagerly wait for her next video. And every week on eBay, she sells a painting - at a high price! How can you and I use Youtube and eBay to help market our products or services? I'd love to hear your ideas!

Using Spreadsheets For Your Blog

I read a great tip recently from Michel Fortin. He suggested using a spreadsheet to record the titles and dates of the blog posts you do. I think I would also keep track of the topic, since my titles aren't always terribly descriptive. Then he re-uses the older content on his autoresponder. Often people don't read your old posts, especially when you've got a lot of content that stretches over years. So it's a good way to get those evergreen (still current) topics back into circulation. Now it's your turn. How do you keep track of your posts and re-use older content?

Branding Myself

You may have noticed that my posts now say TorontoCarol rather than Mrs C. I've been trying to brand myself for awhile now, and other than becoming confused about who I am, I haven't done well. I suppose if I had only one interest and had a clear focus right from the beginning, I wouldn't have this problem. But when I started online, I had a blog about Canada, a blog about computers, a blog about myself and on and on. See where I'm going with this? I started off calling myself TorontoCarol and that's how I'm known on the Internet marketing forums. After all, I'm a native Torontonian and Carol is a very common name otherwise. Even Carol Bremner is owned by people I've found out about online from England and Australia (none of them related and one I wouldn't want to be mistaken for). So TorontoCarol was fine for the forums and worked well with my Canada blog. But I have a company blog too. TorontoCarol doesn't sound very professional. There I...