Although it seems as though I may have dropped out of site judging from the lack of posts, I am still here. Still working away trying to learn Internet marketing. Starting to see a little light at the end of the tunnel if I can just keep my focus. I've been busy updating my blogs, making them keyword optimized, trying my hand at selling some affiliate products, ghostwriting, and generally spending all of my waking hours, except when I babysit my grandson, on the computer. Starting to make a bit of adsense income - $20 so far. Lest you say hooray too quickly, they don't send me a cheque until I make at least $100. So it may be awhile. Ghostwriting is probably the most lucrative so far, but with the research and my picky nature, it takes a lot of time. Just about perfect when I'm done, I must say, but not a great use of my time. Just became a member of the Twitter league, takes a lot of time, but kind of fun. I'm not really used to social marketing yet. And I am going to ...
Mrs C., alias TorontoCarol, alias SuperGramma, is an over-the-hill Internet Marketing wannabe. She can be found most evenings at her computer, trying to earn money on the Internet so her husband will stop thinking she is wasting her time. And she hopes she doesn't forget who she is in the process!