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Showing posts from March, 2008

Didn't Meet My Goal But Still Pressing On

I was determined to earn my first $100 online by the end of 2007, but I didn't manage to make it. Since it seemed so discouraging, I stopped blogging for awhile and tried to get on with my life. But I've been bitten by the Internet Marketing bug, so after a couple of weeks, I was back trying again. This time I decided to focus on one blog until I had it where I wanted it, then go on to the next. That's why it's been so long since I've posted here. I started with my CreativeHomeComputing site, since that was my first online venture. First step, a double opt-in form that offered some related information in return for signing up. Next, set my autoresponder to notify my subscribers each time I posted to the blog. Signed up with technorati and claimed the blog, then used a simple tags plugin (it's a Wordpress blog, so not sure what I'll be doing here) and put tags under each post. I also inserted adsense ads, which is more difficult with Wordpress. That's on...